Date: Thu, 12 May 94 04:30:12 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #145 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Thu, 12 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 145 Today's Topics: 70cm TEK Radio DB9 pinout? [Q] your opinion for BEST HF PacTOR rig ? AEA DSP 2232 - SSTV GIF format help with full service BBS..!! HF DSP modems for the TI DSK (3 msgs) ICOM 281 na new to packet help? TEKK Pinouts Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 May 94 14:53:00 GMT From:!!!!!eff!!!!! Subject: 70cm TEK Radio DB9 pinout? To: Arrggggg, I lost my documentation for my 70cm TEK Data Radio, and have *no* idea about the pinout for the DB-9 connector used to set power, send and receive the bits from it. Could a kind soul please email me a transcription of the pins for me? Thanks, Ciao -- 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 17:21:57 GMT From:!!!!!!eff!!!!world! Subject: [Q] your opinion for BEST HF PacTOR rig ? To: In article <> (Steve Wolf) writes: >Uri Blumenthal ( wrote: >: In article <>, (Steve Wolf) writes: >: > A power supply in my Yaesu 980 was no where near what is required for >: > Pactor. To replace it, I ordered a Kenwood 450. Never having had a >: >: Well, I've used Yaesu-990 for PacTOR (and AMTOR and you name it), >: and on PacTOR the rig hardly got warm... Full power, 110W. Maybe >: it was 980-specific problem? >: >Put it on a BBS and read 30 or 40 messages from it. Let me know. Pactor >isn't too hard on a keyboarder or BBS user. To the BBS itself, it is heck. >Plus, my 980 was quite old. The total supply was in a box inside the radio >that was about six inches square, transformer and all! > >You need a rig that can take a very, very high duty cycle. > >73, >Steve > NO8M@NO8M.#NEOH.OH.USA.NA > > I run RTTY, AMTOR, and PACtor on my Yaesu 990, and have never had any problems with the power supply or overheating. We've run 48 hour RTTY contests (the fan runs plenty often during them) and held very long ragchews on RTTY, which is 100% duty cycle. On Amtor I've gone an hour or more in a qso, and similar on PACTOR. It should not matter to the radio whether the PACTOR or AMTOR user is a keyboarder or a BBS, I would not think. Since the protocol (AMTOR at least, I haven't looked at PACTOR) is syncronous, it is necessary to send characters even when the user is not typing. Perhaps you were referring to the fact that the station pulling 30 or 40 messages from a BBS would not reverse the connection and thus one end would have to be sending longer packets than the ack/nak from the receiving end. Even so, it just depends on the rig's ability. If the rig is rated at 100% duty cycle, then it should handle it. The 990 is so rated. One curious question: If one station is sending 30 or 40 messages before turning the line around, when does the receving station get to ID? It seems to me that more than 10 minutes may have passed... -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Internet: Daniel Senie Consulting 508-779-0439 Compuserve: 74176,1347 ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 1994 10:19:25 +0200 From:!!!usc!!!!!! Subject: AEA DSP 2232 - SSTV To: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hello, does anybody have a program for decoding SSTV with the 2232? (Or have a pointer to a ftp'able program.) 73, DL3NO Rupert -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.3a iQBVAgUBLdCVCqExgwr2JIOdAQGnVgH/dDBOhi7eVsjuRZBnAm1whgePPjdYo2Uc HRuPk/zOQ8WWwmTUtt9RU8IUEO90vm+LjkE0ZDwfREcCC1lIjsgBZQ== =+IdN -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 1994 15:31:43 -0400 From:!! Subject: GIF format To: I'm looking for software, DOS or Windows, to view GIF format images. Is there an FTP site which might have this? I would also like to be able to convert GIF to other formats. Many thanks for your help. Bob Grattan N4MRV Mary Washington College Library Fredericksburg, VA ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 94 10:22:19 EDT From:!!agate!!!!wvnvms!! Subject: help with full service BBS..!! To: HI Everyone: I have a kantronics KPC-3 TNC and 486 IBM computer and a 2 meter radio. In our area we dont have full service BBS. I was thinking of setting up a full service BBS so that people can read messages relatively easily. I would like to get it started soon. I have access to internet ftp sites, will anyone familiar with BBS point me out to how to setup BBS and which software will be of happy with the above mentioned hardwares. I would appreciate any help in setting up full service BBS. Thanks a lot. 73, Dinakar kb8phz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 23:49:40 GMT From:!!!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: It's been suggested to me that I alert News Users who may not have ftp access that the code is available from my own LLBBS. Call 716-544-1863 or 2645 (300-14400). It's in the DSP file area -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 23:47:26 GMT From:!!!!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: Well after a little tinkering... I've got it receiving (haven't hooked up TX yet). Did OK with all modes, RTTY/Amtor/Packet. The thing I did have to do is to go into the ALLMODE.INI file and change AICAuxIn line to F This thing is quite a bargain... I got mine from Arrow Electronics -Jim -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 22:44:23 GMT From:!!!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: Johan Forrer ( wrote: : I have been playing with Tom Sailer's (HB9JNX) RTTY/AMTOR/PacTOR : programs for the past few weeks and its really a lot of fun. I've had my DSK for a week and the appearance of this code (I found it on ucsd before your post) got me excited enough to finally hooked it up at least for RX. It lite right off as far as DSKJNX talking to the 320C26 but I've yet to actually receive anything. Of course I've just had it hooked up for 1/2hr and dinner got in the way. The docs are a bit sparse so have been exploring the keyboard. Show's looks like it'll be real neat when I have it fully working! -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 94 22:28:46 GMT From:!!!usc!!swrinde!!!!nwnexus!ole!rwing!eskimo! Subject: ICOM 281 To: wrote: : Anyone use the new ICOM 281 with the TNC port on the back? I have been : looking at these but would like some input from someone with experience : with it... : ...DOUG : * OLX 2.2 * | -- I was working for a company that did some testing of that radio on packet at both 1200 and 9600 bauds. The 1200 baud operation is great, the 9600 baud operation is not as good as some other radios. Most notibly, radios that modulate the PLL directly don't work as well as radios where a crystal oscillator is modulated. The problem is that the PLL tries to correct for the frequency error introduced by the applied modulation. The IC-281 is a radio who's PLL is modulated. The Alinco DR-1200TH and DR-1200TH2 also fall into this catagory. If you're looking for 9600 and top-notch performance, the IC-281 is close, but not optimum. 73, Bob, kd7nm ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 1994 19:13:40 -0700 From:!! Subject: na To: Here is the pinout information on the TEKK T-Net Micro 70 cm radio... Pin # Function ------ --------- 1 Supply Voltage 7.5 V - 12.0V DC (Nominal 9.6 V DC) 2 Ground 3 PTT (Low to Transmit) 4 Data In 5 Data Out 6-9 Not used Hope that fills your request... Dennis Jacobson N6NG Internet: AX25: TCPIP: -- Dennis dennis@ccwest.n6ng n6ng@wd6cmu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 12:42:33 EDT From:!!!! Subject: new to packet help? To: I am a new Ham, and I am interested in packet, what TNC should I get, I am look ing for a good beg. model, nothing to fancy? Any Help? Jason ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 1994 19:15:26 -0700 From:!! Subject: TEKK Pinouts To: Here is the pinout information on the TEKK T-Net Micro 70 cm radio... Pin # Function ------ --------- 1 Supply Voltage 7.5 V - 12.0V DC (Nominal 9.6 V DC) 2 Ground 3 PTT (Low to Transmit) 4 Data In 5 Data Out 6-9 Not used Hope that fills your request... Dennis Jacobson N6NG Internet: AX25: TCPIP: -- Dennis dennis@ccwest.n6ng n6ng@wd6cmu ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #145 ******************************